by plannerchick ~ So I know that I have been MIA for way to long. And I couldn't think of a good way to re-introduce myself without sounding way to lame. So I decided to do another 25 things blog, some will be about what's been going on with me, and some just random. Chicks jump on the 25 things bandwagon with me again!
1. I am now 14 weeks pregnant and showing much quicker than I did with number one, clothes are already getting way to tight!
2. I went darker with my hair and am really loving it, I think I might make it even browner next time. Right now I'd call it more of a really dirty blonde.
3. School is over for me in 3 glorious weeks, and I can safely say that I will never take this many classes again. I way overloaded my plate, and have learned many valuable lessons this spring!
4. Baseball season is back in full swing for our big man. I enjoy the games with the nice weather, however I'm not sure how much fun they will be this year with a toddler.
5. I am SOOO glad that it is warm outside again. I am super ready for summer this year. Already been to the beach twice and looking forward to many more visits.
6. Social chicks newest chicklet will be here before we know it, and there is a shower for her on Sunday. I have been having fun crafting her gift all week. I will post pics next week after she has seen it!
7. I hopefully will get to find out what my new tiny is in a few weeks. If it's a girl I LOVE the name Miley. Yes as in Hannah Montana, but no not because I love Miley Cyrus. I just think it is the cutest name, I am working on getting my husband on board!
8. No boy name yet though, I love my little bit's name so very much I don't know how I will ever pick another out that I love as well.
9. Chips and Salsa is my new favorite food. I eat it about 3 days a week for lunch. I will say that this pg has seemed to kill my sweet tooth a bit (I said a bit, not all together) which I never thought would happen.
10. My family finally entered the 21st century and had a CD player installed in our car. I am loving it, one can only tolerate 88.3 so much, I'm just sayin....
11. My son is into everything, and I mean everything. I don't think he gives one care about his toys. I told my husband we need to give him a basket of old radio's and buckles and he would be happy.
12. I took the plunge and started watching American Idol this season, since the rest of the country seems to be. I have been dissapointed in who has been voted off. I can't say much though b/c I don't vote.
13. My current FAVE song is Light of Your Face by Jesus Culture, I cannot listen to it enough these days.
14. I will be 30 this year, it's not that daunting to me right now, I guess b/c I don't feel that old, lol!
15. I am a little jealous of people who can lie in the tanning bed (SASSY) I am white with a little burnt mixed in.
16. My child is officially the pickiest kid in the world. There is not much he will eat these days, and he looks at every bite before you put it in his mouth to make sure he approves. UGGG!
17. I have been craving Cheesecake Factory like crazy lately! Heather I think I need to work in a trip to the ATL to see you and stuff my face, lol!
18. I love the feeling of being outside this time of year, we have been going on walks daily. I see everyone out jogging and it makes me miss it.
19. Special Agent Oso has go to be the dumbest cartoon character there ever was. He drives me nuts to watch. I realize the show is about teaching kids how to do stuff, but seriously Oso get a grip......more or less.
20. We are going to prom tomorrow, as chaperones of course. I am super excited (note sarcasm).
21. I ran into a glass door during spring break, I thought I broke my nose. Ask bossy to tell you the story, you'll laugh much harder if she tells you.
22. I have been having lot's of crazy, lifelike dreams. With all kinds of random people. I am attributing this to pregnancy. CRAZY ones.....
23. I know I already said this, but it deserves to be stated twice. School is over in 3 weeks! Holler!
24. I really want to see the movie Letters to Juliet. The commericial gave me goosebumps when they play the Taylor Swift song, lol!
25. In about 4 months and one week my baby boy will be 2, I cannot believe how quickly time is flying. A month and a half after that I will have another tiny. What in the world!!!!
Okay chicks, your turn!