by photochick~ I'm having the hardest time writing this blog post. I'm usually more articulate in the middle of the night when my thoughts have time to gel in the still and quiet of dark. Not tonight.
I'm not sure what I even want to say except that I read this quote today from a Jesus Culture blog:
"Despite your circumstances, are you expecting His spectacular power to invade the deepest corners of your innermost being?"
The deepest corners. Do WE even look in those deepest corners?
The move we undertook two years ago now was a difficult one for me. Leaving Courts of Praise was sooooooo excrutiatingly hard. While I went to church all of my life, this is the church where I made the spiritual move from a girl to a woman. Where I had to learn to stand on my own two feet.It is where my foundation was shattered, and rebuilt, and strengthened time and time again. This is the church where I struggled to cope with the loss of two children in my family. Where I crashed and burned and was renewed again.
It was hard. The years there. The leaving.
As I now prepare to enter my third year as a teacher, this time of year always marks for me when I left my comfort zone. In hindsight the move seems so obviously the right thing to do. Two years ago in the middle of a two day window to make the decision, it seemed so impossible. We cried. And Cried. And cried some more.
Are things perfect? Of course not. Has it been easy? Of course not. But it is exceedingly and abundantly more and more clear every day that this is where we have been planted. In my case, as a seventh grade science teacher. Go figure. You would have to know me to really appreciate that irony. Starting with the fact that both of my parents are teachers and the only thing I KNEW when I graduated was that I DID NOT want to be a teacher. Interpolate that to the necessity to go back to school despite a Master's degree and returning to a salary of a 21 year old. It's becoming more clear. As I said in my last post, it makes no sense in the natural.
So there is apparently really no purpose for this post. Perhaps it is simply my marking my staff of remembrance (Shout out long time Courts of Praisers!). There is nothing particularly serious going on in my life. There are no seemingly insurmountable circumstances. Yet, I am uncannily drawn to that quote. Because there are always circumstances. Circumstances that would keep us from what God has called us to be.
Don't let them.