Posted by bossy Chick in bossychick, gotta say it gal | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
by socialchick~ These are my never ever ever should you do's. If you don't like them, then it's ok to be wrong (that's what my dad says). If you have done them, then don't get your feelings hurt, just learn from them.
1. We are not dogs. We are all humans! So never ever ask a women who just spit out a baby (no matter if it's her 1st or 44th) if she got fixed. She is not a 4 legged hairy animal that goes around barking. Show more respect than that. If you are wondering if this has happened to me. YES 452 times!
2. This is a spin off from number 1. Don't assume that it is your business to know if someone is getting their tubes tide or a Vasectomy unless they want to share the information. This could be a private matter that they don't want to share.
3. Don't make up excuses just cause you don't want to do something. The excuse becomes a lie and now you have sinned. EIther tell the truth and say you don't feel like doing it or suck it up and do it.
4. Don't act like you know what someone is going through unless you have traveled a mile in their shoes. No matter if you think that your situation is the same, it's not. Everyone handles things differently. I can't tell you how many times I have heard I know what you are going through since I have had Tiny Bliss. Well unless you have three kids under the age of 3 1/2 (that's how old Miss Priss was when I had Tiny Bliss) and your third one screams all the time then you have no CLUE!
5. Stop acting like your problems are bigger than your neighbors.
6. Don't make me try to be someone I'm not. Have you ever been around someone that you feel like they don't like you for who you are and you can never be yourself around them. This frustrates me. I am who God made me to be and if you don't like it then take it up with him.
7. Don't talk to someone that is an adult like they are a child. I don't care if they are 10 years younger than you. Babychick is around 10 years younger than some of the other chicks but they don't talk to her like a child.
8. Stop putting half of the information on facebook. This pesters the snot out of me. You click on FB and see that someone has written this is the worst but best day of my life. Well to us this is saying that you are pregnant and didn't want to be. To you it may be a new start in life. How about the ones that say be praying. Well what in the crap am I praying about or do you want me to be praying in general. Stop doing it for attention or just cause you think it is fun! It's not!
9. Don't act like you know more than someone who has experienced it for several more years than you. I love when people try to give me marriage advice that have been married for 1 year when I have been married for 10. I think it is ok to share some things you do but don't think that we need to do it like you. I wouldn't try to tell a teacher who has been teaching for 30 years how to do something.
I'm sure I could think of some more but I will let you share yours. What are some don't do's in your life? Put a Holler by the numbers that you agree with of mine. I will put a Holler by the numbers I agree with of yours.
Posted by Kristen in gotta say it gal, socialchick | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
by socialchick~ It has been such an emotional week for me! I have learned so much through a tragedy that took place Sunday morning!
Sunday morning a good friend of my husband's wife got in a car accident and passed a way. She was only 30 and had a 4 year old son. Their story is so much like ours that it makes it hit home a little more. They were highschool sweet hearts, had been together for half of their lives, she was a stay at home mom, and he works with my husband. They got up like any other morning and instead of heading to church, which they did every Sunday, she decided to help her mom clean condos that morning. She kissed her husband and baby boy and out she went not knowing that they would never see her again.
Which brings me to the lessons that I have learned this week. Why do we make life so much about us. Shouldn't life be about God. We stress so much over the stuff that isn't going right, or that is going right, or the stuff that we did or didn't do. We make everything a fight or a battle that doesn't really matter.
I have cried and complained for 3 months now that I have a very fussy baby. I get upset and want to loose it when she screams but at the end of the day if she was to die tomorrow I would miss that screaming and want it back. Not saying that I won't get frustrated any more but I have a new outlook on my fussy britches. If that is how she expresses herself then just roll with it and do what you can to help her.
I have also started Zumba and during our class the instructer screams out many times "love your life!" This has made my lessons come in full circle this week. Love living the life that you have. Stop making everything a huge thing. Be thankful for what you've got. It doesn't matter that my husband just told me that we are gonna have to be tight for a little bit. I have everything I need! It doesn't matter that we don't get tons of time together every week. I'm thankful that at the end of the day I have him and I get to lay down with him every night. So he may not always give me the attention that I want (not need), but at least I have him! The kids may always be right up my butt, but so blessed to have them! I may have to cook supper every night and not get to eat out, but glad I have the ability! May have had a bad past, but greatful for my savior who died on the cross for my sins! May not always be in the best mood, but happy that I am loved and highly favored!
So I hope that this may have helped you examine your life. Love your life no matter where you are in it. Stop making everything a huge deal! We are only here for a certain amount of time! You are not promised tomorrow so enjoy today!
Posted by Kristen in get it together gal, going home gal, gotta say it gal, growin up gal, socialchick | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
by bossychick~I know, its 'fuzzy wuzzy was a bear' but I got it from a show I like and I think it sounds cute... moving on...
I recently saw this saying, 'remember this: when you think you know... you don't... you've only assumed, under false pretenses'
I think I would re-word it to say '... you don't... you've only formed an opinion from your perception', either way it goes right along with what God has been showing me lately.... things are not always ( and by not always I mean never) how I perceive them to be, and I should stop forming opinions and judgments of people based on my perception.
I have never considered myself a judgmental person, but after really trying to apply 'judge not, lest ye be judged in the same manner' in my life, I realize that without meaning to, I have been.
It is so easy for us to form a quick opinion of why WE think somebody said or did something, or what WE think a person should do... when what we should really be doing, if we are being what God has called us to be to one another, is lifting that person up in prayer and asking God to give them His wisdom in dealing with their situation....
What we should NOT be doing is running our mouths wide open to other people, because... news flash, all that does is alter their perception of that person, and usually not in a good way. The word says 'do to other's what you would have them do to you'. I don't want people saying negative things about me, so I'm not going to say negative things about others.
If you can't answer yes to these questions, when you are getting ready to tell another person something, about somebody else, then, again... news flash, DON'T SAY WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY..... #1 Would I say this if the person were standing right here? #2 Is this uplifting to the person I'm talking about? #3 Would I want this said about me?
If you can't answer no to these questions, then... news flash, DON'T SAY WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY... # 1 Have I formed an opinion based on my perception of this situation? # 2 Am I sowing 'discord among the brethren'? # 3 Has this person annoyed me because they have struck a nerve in me? ( translation: its really my problem, not theirs, I'm just being too stupid to look at myself and be honest right now, so I'm going to trash this person, to somebody else, so I can further fuel my denial)
So back to basics, the definition of perceive: To become aware of directly through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing.
Last time I checked the only 'being' that could see all, hear all, and knows all is God, ( minus the fact that OUR senses fail us all the time) so really He's the ONLY one who knows why anybody does, or says anything. So here is something for you to wrap your mind around or ask yourself or whatever... Am I like God, that I can say I know why somebody else does, or says anything? Well, news flash (this is 4th one btw) my answer was NO! and not NO! but HECK NO!
I mean really think about it. Do you think you REALLY know others from the amount of time( sometimes 1 day or one meal) that you are with them? Can you really say that you do, or is it only your perception of them? When other people annoy you, do you talk about them (perceiving them as annoying) or do you try to look past the behavior to the root of why they are acting that way, and then lift them up in prayer? ...
Unless you're God, don't be so sure that what you think is the gospel's truth.
That is all, you do what I say- Bossy
Posted by bossy Chick in bossychick, gotta say it gal | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
by socialchick~Let me first say that I so don't want to write this blog but feel I must. Here comes some more honesty that I don't really want to share with the world. So I hope someone can get something from it.
What comes to mind when you hear the joy of the lord? I immediately start singing the song that so many of us learned when we were young but never thought anything else about it until recently. To really get you to understand how this little scripture changed my life I must start with some deeply personal, embarrassing, and depressing moments.
Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm not an emotional person. Barely ever do I let things bother me. I'm not one to wallow in self pity or even fight depression. It is even hard for me to share my heart at times. So please bare with me as I write this. Once again I so don't want to do this but here we go.
For about three weeks now I have been very depressed with my life. I have wondered many time if this is all there is for me? Wiping butts and snotty noses, feeding a baby every 3 hours, breaking up fights, fixing breakfast, lunch and dinner, and giving out as much love as I can to three little girls and my husband. Why can't I ever have me time? I was frustrated that every time I sit down to eat I hear a child scream or another one ask for a bite and mad that I never get any privacy. The list could go on and on. I have even felt embarrassed by my weight (which I have never done before).
See being a stay at home mom is a very demanding job and sometimes you never see the results. So I have kind of felt like I have lost my identity. Who am I besides a mother and a wife?
Because of how I was feeling about my life, I began to feel angry at friends, family, my husband, and even God. I know I can hear you gasp but I'm being honest. It is ok that I got angry at God, I told him about it. lol! I was angry that I had a screaming baby, that I was finding it very hard and overwhelming to have 3 kids. I became jealous of stupid things, and just felt left out in life in general.
My depression was not a constant thing and it was not very serious. Some of you probably could not even tell I was going through anything. There were times that I could be in a good mood and have fun but at the end of the day the best part of my day was going to bed and the worst was getting out of bed. Still I managed to move on.
Well Wednesday I was on the phone with my sister in tears doing nothing but complaining and wallowing in lies from satan. I layed down to take a nap but could not go to sleep. All I could hear was the word joy, joy, joy over and over in my head. I began to sing every song that I knew with the word joy in it and then finally the verse "the joy of the Lord is my strength", became revelation knowledge.
There is a difference in happiness and joy. Happiness relies only on external things. Like going on a date with my husband, or hanging with my awesome friends, or eating a bag of peanut butter m&m's with a glass of milk, or having money to go shopping with.
Joy is finding laughter when you are ready to pull your hair out because Miss Priss just tried to change Lil Sis's poopy diaper and smeared it all over her and the floor. Joy is loving the fact that I am a mom to a screaming baby. Joy is hugging someone you are mad at. Joy is praying for someone that you are jealous of. Joy is finding peace when the kids are screaming, the house is a mess, and the phone wont stop ringing.
The Joy of the Lord is my strength doesn't mean my physical strength but it is my mental and emotional strength. Nothing worldly is going to satisfy my happiness and joy. Only God! It's is only the joy of the Lord that is going to get me through my rough days. Not saying that I won't need a break or even get frustrated, but now I realize I can take a deep breath and find joy through my 3 healthy little girls that the Lord has given me.
The scripture in Nehemiah 8:10 helped me find myself again. With a joyful heart I can say I am a mother of 3 wonderful girls. I have been called and anointed to be a stay at home mom. I am a wife to an awesome husband who loves me with all of his heart. God has called me for such a time as this. I am the daughter to a Heavenly Father that loves me unconditionally!
So there you go. Now I can breath. I hope you can get something out of this. If anything please keep me in your prayers. Pray that God will continue to show me His true joy!
Posted by Kristen in get it together gal, godly gal, gotta say it gal, socialchick | Permalink | Comments (11) | TrackBack (0)
by plannerchick ~ I love random blogs, it helps to get the blogging juices flowing again without putting my brain on overkill! So here you go with 10 from plannerchick....
1. I know I put this on my fb, but I am incredibly happy that at least for the time being my tiny baby girl has flipped herself around in my belly. It was getting more and more uncomfortable to have her always dancing on my bladder. (Sometimes I swear there must be 2 in there for how many places she seems to be able to kick - punch - wiggle - bounce all at one time)
2. I am working for baby chick while she is out with her tiny and now that I've gotten back into a rountine it's really nice. Those early mornings were kicking my butt for awhile, but they are not that bad anymore. Plus I get to be at a desk all day and that makes things like getting ready for our upcoming Fairytale Sale, and planning the women's retreat for church much easier.
3. Little bit is talking so much these days, you may not understand him (and half the time neither do we) but he says so much, and will try to repeat just about anything you tell him to say. Like bossy said, I love his way of saying yes - "essth". His favorite thing to say is "mama" which he likes to repeat over and over and over........and over, sometimes for no apparant reason. He has learned well and often when he wakes up in the night now he calls for his daddy, Holler!
4. God is really cleaning my house and it has been a roller coaster lately. While it is such a great thing, and something I asked him for, it doesn't mean it's been easy. He is revealing things to me that I had no idea were buried in there. He has brought me so far already, and done so much for me, I am looking forward to being able to place another notch on my staff and knowing that this stuff will be behind me.
5. We are starting to get everything together for our tiny little girl's room. I am excited to see it all done, I am doing a garden sort of theme. With pink's, green's, yellow's, and a little bit of turquoise. 13 weeks until she is here, how crazy is that.
6. I am at a loss as to what I should do for my little man's 2nd birthday party. I've thought about a swimming party at a local lake or spring. I've thought about having it at the church and doing a farm theme (which I have lots of cute ideas for b/c it's what I wanted to do (for a nursery) if the baby had been a boy). I still have no idea, any ideas will be welcome.
7. We had a fantastic weekend, Friday night big brother and I took Mr. Planner out for his birthday (which was last Sunday) we ate dinner at outback and went to see Iron Man, it was a nice night out! Saturday we just chilled, cleaned a little, then the boys and I went to the Bossy's house while daddy had friends over to watch some fight. Sunday was church, hanging with friends, and fireworks, it was a great 4th. Monday was a big, fat do nothing kind of day, and it was great!
8. I mentioned earlier about our women's retreat, which we are off for in 10 days! I am looking forward to the fellowship, the teaching, and the just plain being lazy and lying around in the pool!
9. My current addiction is McDonalds Mocha Frappe's, I want to get one every day of the week. It is SOOOO bad for you but oh my, so delicious!
10. My mom called me the other day to ask if I wanted to have a few things for baby girl that were mine when I was little. One of them is so special to me, it is a tiny dresser (for a little girl) with a mirror that was my grandmothers when she was a little girl. I am so excited for Ryley to have it!
There!!! triumphant at the fact that I made it to 10, lol! Have a great day!
Posted by plannerchick in gotta say it gal, plannerchick | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
by socialchick~ Let me warn you that this blog is for moms who can and have admitted the truth. Moms who are not ashamed of the truth. All else. See the alternative blog: living a lie!
Everyone asks me how is it going with three kids? Well this is how it's going! Stop it! Don't touch her! Go to your room! Clean that up! NOOOOOOOO! WHAT! My name is not mommy! Jesus take the wheel!
Don't get me wrong, I am very blessed with three healthy kids but our quiver is completely full, overflowing, bursting, crammed, running over, packed, stuffed jammed, complete. I think you get the point. No I do not want any more and I don't know why anyone in their right mind would have three under the age of 3. I know what you are thinking "you did it!" Well I was not in my right mind and still not there! Why would you plan torture on yourself? Oops I was writing about how blessed I am. Well as you can tell I have to remind myself of this daily!
So far I have had 1 crying melt down and 452 screaming melt downs. Don't judge me, I'm just being real with you! See, I am one who usually keeps my patience and is very easy going unless I'm pregnant. Well this is a challenge for me right now! A 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a 6 week old can be overwhelming.
Little Sis (the 2 year old) needs about 6 parents to watch her. She is into everything and makes the most messes I have ever seen a 2 year old make. You can not leave her alone for a minute or she is shoving the paci into Tiny Bliss' mouth, eating wax, climbing on the counter, or drawing all over herself with a marker that she found. Just last Wednesday, I had her ready for church. Outfit on, hair done, and everything was going good. I went into my bathroom to blow dry my hair, which only took three minutes, and came out to find Little Sis covered with powder from head to toe. She looked like a ghost. I walked into Tiny Bliss' room and powder was all over her floor. UGH! To make matters worse Mr. Social has had to work over time all week long and I have been a single mom. This is when I cried "JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!"
Miss Priss and Little Sis fight all day long and lets just say that Tiny Bless isn't the easiest baby I have ever had. This is where I will add that God's gifts aren't always sweet, nice, and pleasant. lol! So if you were to come to my house you would hear a lot of crying, one of the girls saying stop it, the other whining, see lots of hitting, pinching, and me on my knees praying.
If I hear one more person say, "Well God must of knew that you could handle it or he wouldn't of given you three." Well I think for the first time God messed up. He meant to drop one off at Sassy's house. I just got in the way!
After my crying spell I think my daddy started interceding for me. Just playing but he really thought that I was having post partum depression. When all it was, was a bad, horrible, horrific, terrible exhausting morning!
I must say that I have definitely learned how to ask for help. The small things in life are no longer small. Like taking a shower or using the bathroom, brushing my teeth, getting groceries, or just getting out of the house. My family has been great through this. They have come to my rescue many, many times.
I think I am finally learning how to handle three kids but it has taken 6 weeks and this doesn't mean I don't need help. This is how you handle it. Learn that crying is not bad for an infant. A 2 year can cry on her bed with the door shut just as good as she can cry in front of you. Learn to choose your battles and never expect anything. Don't expect to get a nap, because you won't. Don't expect that everyone is going to be good, because they will be horrible. Don't expect to get to write a blog, because it will take 3 days. Don't expect to eat at any time during the day, because then you will pass out when you realize you haven't eaten.
So how am I handling 3 kids? 1 minute or 1 second at a time.
I know this blog has been negatively honest so I will end with some positives of having three. Loosing all of my baby weight because I never sit down. Appreciating the small things because everything is a big deal now days. Appreciating "ME" time when I get it. Getting lots of hugs and kisses from Miss Priss and Little Sis. Having a true and honest excuse to get out of things. Seeing how sweet and loving Miss Priss has become for her 2 younger sisters and getting tons of sympathy from everyone. lol!
So as you can see my strength, patience, and mind has been tested these past 6 weeks, but I have gained a lot of faith to see that this too shall pass and I will look back on it and wish that they were little again. Well maybe not this little!
Side not: It took me three days to write this post and it will only take you 30 seconds to read it so keep all negative comments to yourself! While sitting down to write it I have gotten up 362 times to put a paci in Tiny Bliss' mouth. Gotten up 242 times to stop a fight between Miss Priss and LIttle Sis. Gotten up 145 times to clean up a mess that Little Sis has made. 82 times to spank or put someone in time out. And 36 times to wipe someones tail. Looks can be deceiving. In all of the pictures they look like complete angels!
Posted by Kristen in get it together gal, going home gal, gotta say it gal, socialchick | Permalink | Comments (17) | TrackBack (0)
by plannerchick ~ So after many considerations such as Quinn, Ellison, Maya, Georgia, and Kaitlyn, and some funny ones that I just am not setting myself up to be made fun of for! We have arrived at a name we both love for our little bundle.
In October (well hopefully September, lol) of this year we will welcome into the world our new little love, Miss Ryley Kaye.
There is just something about having a name for her that makes it even more special and real. I cried when my husband finally decided he loved the name as much as I did.
See, he takes time to weigh a name once it is suggested to him, which at the end of the day I appreciate. But waiting for him to make sure is pure torture. Back to why I cried... He was at work when he decided that it was for sure a yes. And he texted me,
"tell Ryley I love her"
You make think that is cheesy, but to me it was the sweetest ever!
19 weeks and counting until she will be here! Until then I will have little Miss Teddi Love and soon Mr. Banner to snuggle. Yay for tinies!
Posted by plannerchick in gotta say it gal, plannerchick | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)
by bossychick~ recently a friend's FB status said, 'Ok, so lets stop whining and complaining and do something about it'... and it got me thinking...
I wanted to find her and hug her and make her hold a press conference, to educate the general public on this concept. It soooooo irritates me when people have a problem, and ALL they do is complain, and usually to someone that can't fix the problem anyway... ya know like they just want to hear themselves sing, they don't really want a solution.
I am a problem solver, when something goes wrong, whether it be physical, emotional or otherwise, I go into 'what can I do different to solve this or make it better' mode. I know, I know, I cannot expect for everyone to handle everything, just like I do. But seriously, could I get a little less talk and a lot more action? ( shout out, Toby Keith)
This is my take on this subject... If you were walking and your foot landed in a bucket of dog crap, would you get the ''H" up out of it? or would you stand there and tell 85 people how bad it stinks?
I get so sick of hearing how bad the crap smells... how grody the crap is... how they don't want the crap in their life. HELLO!!! Quit stomping circles in the crap then and pick your foot up and get out of it already, GEEZ! If all you're going to do is talk about it, but never take action, then I have a one way ticket to Shutty Town, just for you.( for people who don't watch King of Queens, that means shut up!) It makes me so mad, I want to burn down Sonny's BBQ ( which is bad, because I would really like to be buried there I love it so much)
There are 2 morals of my rant ... 1- if you complain to me, you will be offered a solution, if you chose not to take the solution, fine, but don't come back to me and complain about the same old crap over and over and over, when you are doing NOTHING to change it...2- you don't really have to tell me or anybody else your problem at all, you could just get your foot out of that nasty bucket, and wash it yourself!
That being said, if you want to talk to me, about something, you are more than welcome. I will listen to anyone about anything, just don't come to me if all your doing is testing your vocal range, because I don't like your song, it dog crap.
*Note* this is not directed at any one person, actually its directed at many, lol, thats a joke, its really not directed at any one person... but like they always say 'if the shoe fits...'
I would like to add, I know that God has the solutions to all our problems, so if you find yourself in need of an ear, maybe you should try Him, but I think He's a problem solver too, so get ready to take some action.
That is all, you do what I say- Bossy
Posted by bossy Chick in bossychick, gotta say it gal | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
by bossychick~ so I'm gonna use Baby's extra...
21- 'call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bed rock' is the STUPIDEST lyric I have EVER heard!!!!!!!
22- the new show Parenthood on NBC ( comes on after Biggest Loser), is one of my new favorites, it makes me cry every time, and that means its good, because I am not a crier.
23- # 9 on my last list was a joke, I really am pregnant.......
24- I enjoy being organized and efficient ( although my home doesn't always look like it, I know where everything is, but nobody else does, lol). Baby Girl's party is in a week and a half, and I've had the decorations made for about 6 weeks, and have everything I need for party set-up in a box ready to go, and that makes me happy.
25- # 23 is a lie from the pit of H-E- double hockey sticks!
That is all, you do what I say- Bossy
Posted by bossy Chick in bossychick, gotta say it gal | Permalink | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)