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April 19, 2010



Great post! I know I needed to hear it. Thanks!


I'm always telling my kids to be a problem solver. I probably should practice what I preach since that's not always the first thing that comes to my mind in every instance of my life. Sometimes I like to whine and roll around in the poop for a while and then it will occur to me to actually try and solve the problem.

The most obvious thing would be to pour water on the soap to wash it off instead of just sitting there watching all the kids slip and fall. ha ha!


It is funny that you wrote this because I always say is there a sticker on my head that says "please let me solve your problem!" However I'm sure I have called you to solve my problems too.

I don't think I am one to keep stomping in the poop unless I don't see a solution. However there are times I feel sorry for myself but I usally get over it in a bit. lol!

I'm like you don't put yourself in a situation and then complain about it! Which I have also done! lol!


AMEN!!! Get over it, and stop blamming everyone else. It could be your wollowing and ranting about the same ole thing that makes it keep surfacing!!!!


I love you Amy!


I hope this is not like church when the people who need to hear it most are not there that day to hear (or in this situation read) it. Ill make copies and distribute when

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