by socialchick~ I can't believe that 2008 is over. I remember sitting around last year this time hoping that March would hurry and get here. Well March has come and gone and my Tiny is going to be 1 very soon. I tried to sit and think about what I accomplished in 2008 and what do I want to accomplish in 2009. I'm not one to make new year's resolutions but I think that I'm going to try something different this year.
I'm going to tell you all the things that I want to do so that I have an accountability. If I haven't blogged about some of this from time to time, comment and ask me how it is going. Chicks you have an extra responsibility. You need to ask me constantly if I'm doing my best at my new year's resolutions.
1. This one is the most important. I want to sit down every night once the kids have gone to bed and study the Bible. I would like a good Bible study but haven't found one. 2009 is when I'm going to grow spiritually more than I have in any year.
2. I would like to loose 10 lbs by summer. I know all of the chicks are shocked that I'm saying this because I'm not a big dieter but the roll that is hanging over my jeans is getting on my nerves.
3. Save enough money in 2009 to get my hubby a flat screen T.V. This may take 3 years. lol! Unless we get tons of orders from Butterbugs.
Well that was a short list! I can't think of anything else besides the obvious like be a better mother, wife and person.
One thing I don't want to do is to get pregnant. I'm going to enjoy an entire year pregnant free. lol!
So what are some things that you need to be held accountable for in 2009? Do you have any New Year's resolutions? What are some New Year's resolutions that have worked for you in the past?