by singerchick~ I don't know if anyone is as incredibly insane as I am, but when the warning that you're about to run out of gas comes on for a vehicle I generally don't believe it. There's something in my brain that says that's not true, it's just an attempt to force me to buy more gas than I actually need. So I disregard the warning and continue to drive my car until I think it is indeed empty. It's like a challenge for me to see how many miles I can get out of a tank of gas. I have done this with every car I've owned and every time the car eventually wins, proving me wrong and causing me to be stranded on the side of the road completely out of gas.
I've been driving my little car now for several months and I've found myself doing the same thing. I think that I can get at least 550 miles out of a tank of gas while of course Mr. Singer tells me repeatedly, "it's not gonna happen!" Well, I've been playing my little game and getting about 540 to 550 miles with every tank going several, several miles past the "YOU'RE OUT OF GAS STUPID" warning light. That all stopped this morning!
I was running late. Agitated. Needed gas. I stopped because I was at 540 miles and knew I had several more miles to go. I pull into the gas station. The pump wouldn't accept my card. It kept saying to see cashier. Finally I go inside only to find a line going all the way to the back of the store. I'm late. Agitated and irritated. I decided to leave.
I'm really not a dumb person, but that was a really dumb decision. I convinced myself that I could make it to the next town. I was cruising along thinking I had everything under control when the car just died and I had just enough power steering left to get it off the road.
I called Mr. Singer and said, "You're going to Kill me." He says, "You wrecked the car." "No not that bad, I ran out of gas."
So he came to my rescue for about the fourth time in eight years of marriage. That's not good. You would think I would have learned my lesson. Today I think I finally have.
I will stop and get gas from now on and it will not matter if I'm late (because I probably will be).